
- Divine Healing : Divine healingDivine healing 
- Jiddu Krishnamurti : https://www.youtube.com/@KFoundation/videos
- Jean Klein : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VQDcIO3PVI&ab_channel=uttaraka
- Eric Baret : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPGlpvgUNEo&ab_channel=ScienceandNonduality
- Keys of wisdom : https://ducielalaterre.org/clefs/en/
- Elena Danaan : https://www.elenadanaan.org/

- The recitation « God purify me » : This recitation creates permanent healing miracles. It is enough simply to recite as much as possible « God purify me », thus, the Divine Source, God Father Mother Creator, will act continuously, in order to lavish care and wonders. To heal others, it is enough simply to recite, in the same way : « God purifies First name + Name ». You can recite internally, and not aloud, when it is not possible to recite aloud.

- Broadcast an audio prayer : Record miraculous healing prayer via voice recorder, there are free online. For example, this one : https://online-voice-recorder.com , then, launch the audio prayer that you have just recorded, via iTunes, or via another player, in « loop » mode, so that it repeats on a loop without you needing to restart it, and let the audio prayer play day and night, 24 hours a day. This creates miraculous healings. Be as specific as possible in your request. Although the intention counts, be especially precise in the words used. Here is an example of a simple yet extremely powerful prayer that you can record and stream on a « loop»  mode :

« Divine Source, Angels, Archangels, protect me, purify me, heal me, pardon me First Name + Last Name, as well as all my family, my friends, my loved ones, and all that exists in all dimensions . Divine Source, Angels, Archangels, transmute into pure light all my pains, illnesses, problems, negative karmas, remove all blockages from my path, and do the same for all that exists, in the name of the Holy Supreme Divine Source Of Divine Unconditional Love this is accomplished, I give you thanks, Gratitude »

You can perform this technique for others, you just have to be precise in the words : « Divine Source, Angels, Archangels, protect, purify, heal, pardon completely First name + Name, transmute into pure light all your pains and illnesses, problems, negative karmas , (...) etc »

- Letter of release : Simple technique of liberation : Take several sheets and write without censoring, without thinking, all that you keep in you. Do not think about what you write, be 100% spontaneous so that everything that is at the bottom of your consciousness resurfaces, and is evacuated, in these letters. Thereafter, put the letters in an envelope for about 15 days (+ or - if necessary), the time they accumulate the stagnant energies, blocked, in connection with your writings. This process is very powerful and requires several days, it allows to evacuate large and numerous unconscious/conscious heavinesses and blockages, it releases many things which generates a clear better circulation of energy.

- Lithotherapy : https://www.youtube.com/@crystalmeaning/videos
- Tai Chi : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcpelNJTDbY&ab_channel=BodyWisdomYoga%2CWellness%26FitnessClasses
- Qi-Gong : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y88zYo0YlOo&ab_channel=QigongForVitality
- Pranic-Healing : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olZhUc3WgCI&ab_channel=PranaLife%C2%AEbyVijay%26Leena
- Sungazing : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_ERDxxzvQE&ab_channel=EarthChannel.org
- Moongazing : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgsxH9er0hE&ab_channel=MiaPhoenix
- Raw Alimentation : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzQ9szK8N8s&ab_channel=GeeBryant

My testimony of observing positive extraterrestrials :

 I am French so I used an online translator for this text.

In July 2020, I had been intensely asking, several times a week, to see positive extraterrestrials for several months.

I simply asked: "Positive extraterrestrials, if you exist, I want to see you now, I want to meet you" or "God/Divine Source, make me see positive extraterrestrials now!"

I did not doubt that it was possible, but I had no certainty about what could be seen. I had seen, like many, some videos, testimonies, but it was mainly thanks to a channeling by Monique Matthieu (ducielalaterre.org/en/) who said that they would likely manifest in 2020, that I felt their luminous presence.

After several months of asking to see them, several times a day, and sharing content on social media about their existence (including Monique Matthieu's channeling), I had a strong feeling one evening (in July 2020).

I was in front of my computer, and I received information telepathically, with their good energies: "Go outside if you want to see us."
So I went out, into my garden, and looked up at the sky.
There was nothing. I felt inside: If you want to see us, ask: "If you are here, I would like to see you." So I asked: "If you are here, I would like to see you."
As soon as I asked, a part of a light ship appeared six meters above my head, it was of pure golden light, extraordinary.
It lasted 2 seconds, it showed itself, then "re-camouflaged."
They showed me a very small part of their ship, about 1 meter 20.
But it was right above my head.
Spontaneously, without thinking, my right hand went to my heart, and I thanked them.

Then I had quite a few "small" observations, bright points that pass at high speed in the sky when I ask to see them, nearly invisible ships whose outlines I perceive just next to my home, etc.

And a telepathic connection with one of the positive extraterrestrials present in the ship that was above my house in July 2020. I don't know its race, I believe it is a Pleiadian, but I'm not sure. It was brown, with a human appearance (one could have mistaken it for a human on the street), I don't know its height, from feeling I would say 2m/2m30, it had bright eyes with a deep gaze.

In August 2020, 1 month later, I asked to see the ship again, and I perceived its contours in a nearly invisible way (like camouflaged) just above my home, 2 meters from where I had seen the part of the light ship in July 2020. A few minutes after seeing this (in August 2020) they sent me a wave/vibration with their loving energies, really very pleasant, with the telepathic message "The Galactic Confederation sends you greetings." Currently, I have been preparing for 2 years to meet them physically. I don't know if it will be the same one as in July 2020 or another.

There you go, I encourage everyone interested in these topics to meet them, to ask to see them, they are there in the sky, many are already on Earth. They love us and want to help us. Let us accept their help! Of course, no one says to wait with crossed arms, and they have never said to wait doing nothing for them to save us, on the contrary…

We are creators of our lives, and they keep telling us so. But their help will advance humanity in a phenomenal way.

Ask, for those who wish, to meet them now (specify the positive ones), ask continuously, as I did, without doubting. You might then see them. Do not doubt. Look at the sky (especially in the evening) while asking to see them. 

We are in 2024, and it is high time for humanity to accept their existence and their help. Doing without their help is truly counterproductive for the entire Universe. The more of us who ask to see them (the positive ones), the more we will see them! The more we see them, the more the "sleeping" mass will feel them, think about them, and see them in turn! And humanity, besides having the chance to know its star sisters and brothers, could finally access medical beds, free energy, and so many other things. Think of all the ways it could help for the well-being of humanity! If that’s not motivating, then what is? 

It is high time that we all meet them 

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